Majority of men understand the significance of protein when it comes to muscle growth. When you are working out, the stress of weight lifting may damage muscle fibres. This damage will activate a special repair process that forces individual muscle cell to grow. All of this growth needs tons of amino acids, which is life’s basic building blocks.
However, you have to bear in mind that the process of muscle growth needs more than just proteins. Weight lifting burns energy and fats in the form of glycogen, so your diets should include a healthy serving of carbohydrates to both boost insulin and replenish muscle glycogen. It means that you shouldn’t only concentrate on incorporating proteins in your diet, but also you must pay attention to getting rid of unhealthy foods.
If you’re into building muscles, here are some of the foods best for muscle growth:
Almonds – These are plant-based food definitely packed full of proteins. Just one-fourth cup of almonds contains about eight grams of protein, which is nearly two grams of protein more than eggs. Almonds are also a good source of healthy monounsaturated fats as well as magnesium, which is a mineral used in over 300 biochemical reactions in your body.
Quinoa – Not all men like to eat meat. However without meat, how will get enough proteins? Well, the best solution for that is eating quinoa, which is a grain packed with proteins and often found in South America. Not only it’s high in protein, but also the proteins it provides is complete and contains all 9 essential amino acids. This gluten-free food is also very easy to digest and high in magnesium, iron, and fiber.
Cottage Cheese – It might sound surprising, yet majority of serious bodybuilders consider cottage cheese among the top food for muscle building. The main reason behind it is that it contains lots of proteins and lesser calories.
Chocolate Milk – Ever since you’re young, you’ve been reminded of the significance of milk to your body. However as adults, milk is still important. Since it’s an animal foods, this offers you all essential amino acids while providing little fat. The main advantage of milk to one’s muscles is greater considering that this is combined with whey protein.
Oysters – Even if it isn’t best known food for muscle growth, oysters are another specialty of bodybuilders and weight lifters alike. Just 100g of cooked oysters will give you twenty grams of protein with five grams of fat.
Lean Ground Beef – Lean ground beef, like most red meats, are a good source of protein, so avoid them completely because red stigma could be a mistake. Just 100g of lean ground beef contains about twenty-seven grams of protein. Even if this serving is high fat, what separates beef from its meat competitors is the additional minerals and vitamins it contains.
Those are just some of the foods you can consider for muscle growth. If you have allergies on some foods mentioned above, talk to your nutritionist for alternatives.