If you want to build muscles, you might want to re-assess your intake of carbs as these are the key to building muscles. Often, protein is over emphasised in muscle building diets and carbs are given a little attention. But, carbs play a big role in muscle growth and must not be overlooked.
Carbohydrates Provide You Energy
Your body converts carbs stored in your muscles and liver into the ATP molecules to use them as energy during exercise. Not eating the right kind of carbs means your workouts might suffer because you’ll have less energy to train at high intensity. Training at high intensity has greater effects on building stronger and larger muscles. Muscle overload is the muscle growth’s stimulus and exercising at higher intensity can improve growth hormone levels.
Carbohydrates Provide Additional Protein
Since your body relies on carbs for energy, the last thing you’d want is for the body to use alternate source. If you do not give your body with enough energy from carbs, it will be forced to break down valuable proteins in your body and convert these to usable source of energy. This is renowned as ketosis, and unluckily your body cannot distinguish the difference between the proteins you eat as well as the proteins in your muscle tissues. To save lead body mass and continue on your muscle growing path, it is important in keeping some carbs in your body.
Carbohydrates and Post Workout Insulin Response
It is essential to drive more nutrients into your bloodstream after your weight training workout. It is best accomplished through increasing your levels of insulin and a good way to do it is through ingesting simple carbs within 1-2 hours after your workout. After this, your body will be in its anabolic phase, which just means that your muscle cells are primed for muscle growth. Carbs stimulate the insulin’s release that pushes the amino acids into the muscle cells to start the repair process.
Carbohydrates for Better Nervous System Function
When training with weights, your nervous system works by telling all your muscle fibres when as well as what intensity to contract. Therefore, what’s the connection of carbs in this process? Well, the carbohydrates are the main source of fuel that’s used by the nervous system. Consuming complex carbs will ensure that the nervous system is functioning properly. If your nervous system is more efficient, your strength will also increase and you will get more from your weight training workouts.
How Many Carbohydrates Do You Need?
With proper nutrition, you will be able to improve and repair muscle quality or size. It is crucial to meet your energy demands as well as replenish glycogen stores once you’re trying to build muscles. Whatever your level of training is, consume 1.5-2 grams of carb per pound of body weight every day. If you’re an athlete, your carb requirement daily is typically much higher. According to experts, athletes should consume 2.7-4.5 grams of carbs per pound of body weight, yet it depends on the activities.